If you've been playing Soulbound and have ideas on how the team can improve the game, you can easily submit your feedback via Featurebase! Soulbound's Featurebase link is available at https://feedback.soulbound.game/ and couldn't be simpler to use
Step 1: Review the Existing Submissions
Use the search box to see if your feedback or bug report has already been submitted! If so, you can click the up arrow to the right of the post to upvote the submission and show your support for the idea.
Step 2: Submit Your Feedback or Bug Report
However, if no one else has made your suggestion, you can easily submit your own! Press the Ask for a Feature button, then fill in the corresponding information. Don't forget to change the board from Feature Request to Feedback or Bug Reports if appropriate!
For feature requests and feedback, please limit the scope of your suggestion so that it can be more easily tracked and implemented, and don't be afraid to submit multiple suggestions in different posts!
For bug reports, be sure to include relevant timestamps about when you experienced the bug as well as your account name and any steps needed to reproduce the issue
Once you've got it all written out, press Submit Post!
Step 3: Share your submission with your friends!
People upvoting submissions lets us know if other people would like to see a feature or are also submitting a bug! Be sure to share your post with others playing Soulbound and ask them to leave their comments on the issue!
You can also join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/soulboundmmo to discuss your submission with our awesome community members!
We hope you continue to enjoy Soulbound!